Principal Software Engineer at Odido. I love web development and love to teach others. Check out more of my stuff over here:
async/await vs promises · Key takeaways: Promises can run code after some other code has completed async/await is just syntactic sugar Promise.all is...
An introduction to Memoization and how to use it · Imagine I asked you to calculate 23 times 47. And let's imagine you don't have a calculator or your...
Typical use-cases and rare edge-cases · JavaScript arrays have a builtin sort method, which mostly does what you expect: [1, 4, 2, 3].sort(); // [1, 2,...
Rounding errors are inevitable · TL;DR: No datatype will ever be able to represent all numeric values perfectly Rounding errors will always...
Common testing patterns for creating confidence in your UI tests · As long as I've been working in frontend development, the tools available for testing...
Why I don't use the `fix` option · Photo by Nagesh Badu on Unsplash TL;DR: ESLint should identify semantic errors which require programmer intervention...